Locomotive Wiki
Artola narrow guage

The small narrow gauge steam locomotive known as "Artola" is a 0-4-0 tank engine built by Usines Metalúrgiques de Hainault Coulliet under works number 1002 in 1890. It was one of many Spain working locomotives that were imported from Belgium.

Artola worked for two different Basque-owned companies: initially Artola & Company (Artola y Compañía), contractor for the Vasco-Navarro Railway construction company, and later the Sierra Menera Mining Company (Compañía Minera de Sierra Menera) in Teruel Province, Aragón.


After its retirement from service, Artola was donated to the Bilbao Railfans Association and it stands today as a commemorative statue on a plinth between the RENFE/FEVE tracks at the Concordia Train Station in Bilbao, Spain.
