Santa Maria Valley No. 1000 was a "Mikado" type 2-8-2 steam locomotive built by Alco in 1920 as #4 for the Hetch Hetchy Railroad.
The engine was built for hauling freight trains on the Hetch Hetchy Railroad until 1924 when #4 was sold to the Newaukum Valley Railroad, a line owned and operated by the Carlisle Lumber Company in Washington State, and was re-numbered #1000.
In 1944, #1000 was sold to the Santa Maria Valley Railroad, which served oil refineries in Santa Maria, CA, as well as hauling produce to the Southern Pacific's mainline at Guadalupe, CA.
The Santa Maria Valley Railroad donated #1000 to the Travel Town Museum at the City of Los Angeles' Griffith Park in 1954 after her retirement, as the road dieselised its operations. It now sits there on static display.
- This locomotive can only travel about 35 miles per hour, but it could pull up to 100 loaded freight cars.
- This is one of 3 surviving 2-8-2s built for the Santa Maria Valley Railroad.
- Ironically the Santa Maria Valley Railroad continues in business to this day, its fourteen mile line still hauling freight for customers in the Santa Maria Valley.