Locomotive Wiki
Mytchett, Surrey with Waterloo - Weymouth express at Sturt Lane Junction geograph-2676694-by-Ben-Brooksbank

The SR Merchant Navy class is a class of air-smoothed 4-6-2 Pacific steam locomotives designed for the Southern Railway by Oliver Bulleid. The Pacific design was chosen in preference to several others proposed by Bulleid.

Locale: South Western main line

Build date: February 1941

Fuel type: Coal

Total produced: 30

Builders: Southern Railway, Eastleigh Works


Of the thirty engines built eleven are preserved with one member of the class 35028 Clan Line being purchased directly from British Railways service. The rest being rescued from Woodham Brothers Scrapyard in Barry, South Wales. With all thirty engines being rebuilt in BR days no unrebuilt example survives but one engine 35011 General Steam Navigation is being restored to it's original unrebuilt condition.

Five engines have run in preservation: 35005, 35006, 35018, 35027 and 35028. Three members of the class: 35005, 35018 and 35028 have also operated on the mainline in preservation. As of April 2024, three Merchant Navy's are operational with 35018 and 35028 having mainline certificates while 35006 is restricted to run only on heritage railways. Three engines: 35005, 35009, 35011 and 35025 are in the process of undergoing overhauls/restoration. 35009 and 35011 are undergoing restorations with plans to operate on the mainline while 35005 and 35025 are being overhauled/restored to run only on heritage railways. 35022 and 35027 while presently stored awaiting restorations are planned to operate on the mainline.

Image Number (SR) Number (BR) Name Nameplate Colour Built Rebuilt Withdrawn Shape Owner Livery Home Base Current status Mainline Certified Notes
21C5 35005 Canadian Pacific Red December 1941 May 1959 October 1965 Rebuilt Mid Hants Railway Preservation Society BR Lined Green, Late Crest (on completion) Mid Hants Railway Undergoing Overhaul No
21C6 35006 Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co. Red December 1941 October 1959 August 1964 Rebuilt 35006 Locomotive Company BR Lined Green, Late Crest Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Operational, Boiler Ticket Expires: 2025 No
21C9 35009 Shaw Savill July 1942 March 1957 September 1964 Rebuilt Ian Riley BR Lined Blue, Early Emblem (on completion) East Lancashire Railway Undergoing Restoration No (to be certified) In ex Barry-scrapyard condition
21C10 35010 Blue Star August 1942 January 1957 September 1966 Rebuilt British Enginemen Steam Preservation Society Colne Valley Railway Stored, Awaiting Restoration No In ex Barry-scrapyard condition
21C11 35011 Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co. Red December 1944 July 1959 February 1966 Rebuilt (Unrebuilt) General Steam Navigation Locomotive Restoration Society TBC Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Undergoing Restoration No (to be certified) Undergoing restoration to original un-rebuilt shape.
35018 British India Line in Carnforth 21C18 35018 British India Line Black May 1945 February 1956 August 1964 Rebuilt West Coast Railways BR Lined Green, Late Crest Carnforth Motive Power Depot Operational, Boiler Ticket Expires: 2026/27 Yes (2017-ongoing) First member of the class to be rebuilt
35022 Holland America Line October 1948 December 1956 September 1964 Rebuilt Royal Scot Locomotive & General Trust Crewe Diesel Depot Stored, Awaiting Restoration No In ex Barry-scrapyard condition
35025 Brocklebank Line November 1948 December 1956 September 1964 Rebuilt Southern Locomotives Ltd BR Lined Green, Late Crest (on completion) Herston Works Undergoing Restoration No In ex Barry-scrapyard condition
35027 Port Line Black December 1948 May 1957 September 1966 Rebuilt Royal Scot Locomotive & General Trust BR Lined Green, Late Crest Crewe Diesel TMD Stored, Awaiting Restoration No
35028 Clan Line Black (Red originals) December 1948 October 1959 July 1967 Rebuilt Merchant Navy Locomotive Preservation Society BR Lined Green, Late Crest Stewarts Lane TMD Operational, Boiler Ticket Expires: 2034 Yes (2024-ongoing) Final member of the class to be rebuilt
35029 Ellerman Lines Red February 1949 September 1959 July 1964 Rebuilt National Collection BR Lined Green, Late Crest National Railway Museum Static Display No Sectioned Exhibit

