Sandra is a Dutch 700mm gauge locomotive built for industrial use, but now operates on the Stoomtrein Katwijk Leiden (Website is Dutch).
This locomotive was delivered to Du Croo & Brauns (D & B) in Amsterdam in 1922. Du Croo & Brauns was a Dutch trading company and later locomotive manufacturer. They also imported locomotives for sale. D & B sold the locomotive in 1926 to Schaap & Plas in Slochteren. In 1929 the locomotive was taken over by contractor A. Groot and Zoon in De Woude. Groot drove this machine with the name "Willy". Groot owned a total of 3 steam locomotives from Orenstein & Koppel: one with a capacity of 30 hp and two 20 hp. In the Second World War, the locomotives were requisitioned by the occupier for work in the North-East Polder. After the war they returned heavily neglected to the Groot firm. This gave D & B the task to overhaul the locomotives. However, the costs were so high that after the revision of one locomotive it was decided to demolish the other one. This locomotive remained with A. Groot and was erected as a monument in the seventies at Purmerend Overwhere station.
In 1980 the locomotive was housed at the SKL. The locomotive came into service after a complete restoration in 1984. In 2007 the locomotive was equipped with a new boiler. The locomotive has been returned to the delivery condition and named after the granddaughter of Mr. Groot 'Sandra'.