Locomotive Wiki

The PKP Class SM04 was a class of two switcher type diesel locomotives that were built by Zastal for the Polish State Railways (PKP) in 1972 and 1978.


Two examples were built by Zastal for the Polish State Railways (PKP), SM04-002 and SM04-742, both were delivered to the Polish State Railways (PKP) the same year they were constructed. Both were built specifically, to be improved versions of the previous PKP Class SM03.

Both examples were withdrawn in 2000 and they were both spared from the scrapper's torch, meaning both examples had survived into the preservation era, SM04-002 was placed on static display at the Chabówka Railway Museum, while SM04-742 was sent to Przewozy Regionalne (now known today as Polregio) where it still operates under ownership of that company even to this day.

See also[]

Polish State Railways' (PKP) Diesel Locomotives
Standard Gauge Diesel Locomotives: SM01SM02SM03SM04SM15SM25SM30SP30SM31SP32SM40ST40SM41SM42SP42SU42ST43ST44SP45ST45SU45SU46SP47SM48ST48SU160
Narrow Gauge Diesel Locomotives: Ld1Lyd1Lyd2Lxd2