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The Norwegian State Railways 18 (18a, 18b & 18c) Class are 4-6-0 tender steam locomotives.


The 18 (18a, 18b and 18c) class are a class of thirty-five tender 4-6-0 locomotives. The first members of the class were built from 1900 by Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) of Germany for the Norwegian State Railways as their 18a class. Later members were converted to 18b and c subclasses with many more 18c members being constructed new by the Hamar Iron Foundry of Norway. The class were used all over the network. The last of the class to be withdrawn was 18c No.255 in 1969.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]


The first subclass of the 18 class were built and ran for a time on the Grefsen-Røykenvik, Grefsen-Gjøvik and Reinsvoll-Skreia lines. From 1964 one of these locomotives No.134 was the oldest locomotive operated by the Norwegian State Railways until it's withdrawal and scrapping in 1968. Only two of the 18a class managed to not be converted to 18c them being No.135 and No.157. None of the class managed to be preserved.[1][2][9]


The 18b subclass were designed, built and operated on the Gjøvik and Bergen lines. The last full 18b class locomotives were withdrawn and scrapped in 1962. Two of the class were converted to the 18c class. None were preserved.[1][2]


The most successful and largest of the class over half the 18 class were built or converted to the 18c classifications. These locomotives were of a heavier build and used all over the Norwegian State Railways main network.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]


Only one member of the class was preserved that being No.255 of the 18c classification which is currently operational on the Old Voss Line preserved railway. It is owned by the Bergen Technical Museum.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

List of Locomotives[]

Class list of locomotives of the 18 (18a, 18b and 8c) class.[1][2][6][7]
Image: No. Built: Builder: Builder's No. Status:
131 1900 Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) 2493 Scrapped
132 1900 Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) 2494 Scrapped
133 1900 Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) 2495 Scrapped
134 1900 Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) 2496 Scrapped
135 1900 Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) 2497 Scrapped
136 1900 Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) 2498 Scrapped
137 1901 Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) 2499 Scrapped
138 1901 Sächsische Maschinenfabrik (Formerly Richard Hartmann Locomotive Works) 2500 Scrapped
157 1903 Hamar Iron Foundry 5 Scrapped
158 1903 Hamar Iron Foundry 6 Scrapped

No.184 in 1907.

184 1907 Hamar Iron Foundry 20 Scrapped

No.185 on a bridge in Ulvik at an unknown date.

185 1907 Hamar Iron Foundry 21 Scrapped
186 1907 Hamar Iron Foundry 22 Scrapped
187 1907 Hamar Iron Foundry 23 Scrapped
188 1907 Hamar Iron Foundry 24 Scrapped
189 1907 Hamar Iron Foundry 25 Scrapped
211 1910 Hamar Iron Foundry 49 Scrapped
212 1910 Hamar Iron Foundry 52 Scrapped

No.213 in 1956.

213 1910 Hamar Iron Foundry 53 Scrapped
214 1910 Hamar Iron Foundry 54 Scrapped

No.226 at an unknown date in winter.

226 1911 Hamar Iron Foundry 62 Scrapped
231 1911 Hamar Iron Foundry 63 Scrapped

No.232 on the right, around 1912.

232 1911 Hamar Iron Foundry 64 Scrapped
233 1911 Hamar Iron Foundry 65 Scrapped

No.241 (in front) double heading in October of 1939.

241 1912 Hamar Iron Foundry 69 Scrapped
242 1912 Hamar Iron Foundry 70 Scrapped

No.243 between 1955 and 1958 in Hønefoss.

243 1912 Hamar Iron Foundry 71 Scrapped
244 1912 Hamar Iron Foundry 72 Scrapped

No.245 in 1956, Hønefoss.

245 1912 Hamar Iron Foundry 73 Scrapped

No.246 pulling a passenger service to Røros in April, 1956.

246 1912 Hamar Iron Foundry 74 Scrapped
Damplok 255 Garnes stasjon Gamle Vossebanen (134408)

No.255 in steam, 2015.

255 1913 Hamar Iron Foundry 84 Preserved: Operational

No.267 seen before it's German armor was removed in 1945.

267 1914 Hamar Iron Foundry 93 Scrapped
298 1916 Hamar Iron Foundry 111 Scrapped
310 1919 Hamar Iron Foundry 120 Scrapped
311 1919 Hamar Iron Foundry 121 Scrapped



Preserved Norwegian Steam Locomotives
Norwegian State Railways III Class No.21 'Alf'
IV Class No.10 'Hugin'
XIII Class No.7
XXI Class No.1No.2No.5
XXVI Class No.81
XXII Class No.6
XXIX Class No.5 'Bjørkelangen'No.6 'Høland'No.7 'Prydz'
XXVII Class No.2 'Urskog'
XXVIII Class No.4 'Setskogen'
2a Class No.16No.17 'Caroline'
7a Class No.11No.25
18c Class No.255
21b Class No.252No.225
21c Class No.376No.377
21e Class No.207
23b Class No.442No.443
24b Class No.236
25a Class No.227
26c Class No.411
27a Class No.234
30a Class No.271
31b Class No.452
32a Class No.288
49c Class No.470
63a Class No.2770
Industrial Årdal Works Årdal Works Tank Engine
Bjarkøy Gruver Bjarkøy Gruver Mines Tank Engine
Sulitjelmabanen No.1
Norsk Hydro Norsk Hydro Side Tank EngineNorsk Hydro Fireless Tank Engine
PapeterieDrammensalvens PapeterieDrammensalvens Tank Engine
Bjorkasen Mines Bjorkasen Mines Tank Engine
Luossavaara-Kirunavaara AB Iron-Ore No.5
MBV (SJ) No.1432No.1155 'Mons Olsen'
Kings Bay Coal Corporation No.2
Bjørnøen AS No.1 'Pelle'Bjørnøen AS Unnumbered Tank Engine