Should we salvage them, use the parts elsewhere, or just scrap 'em?
Locomotive Wiki's scrapyard is where Fandomians discuss pages that have been nominated for deletion. Pages of any namespace may be included, and discussion continues until a consensus is reached.
- Only users' votes will be counted.
- Users should vote in one of the following ways, including formatting:
- Keep.
- Merge with [[this article]]...
- and redirect.
- and delete.
- Redirect to [[this article]].
- Delete and then redirect to [[this article]].
- Delete.
- Users are encouraged to also give the rationale for their decision, as it may help others.
- Please sign you posts! with four tildes:
- If no replies are collected within 7 days, and the page is on topic, the page is removed from the scrapyard and is kept
- If consensus is in favour of deleting the page, the page should not be recreated.
Pages are nominated either because a PROD failed, or because a user has nominated the page here. You can nominate a page to the scrapyard directly by adding {{scrap}}
, publish it and click the link to the discussion.
When a resolution is made, an administrator will archive the discussions by substituting {{Scrapyard archive}}
at the top of the discussion and remove Category:Scrapyard nominations.
Current discussions[]
Nominated page | Last edit | Last Author |