Locomotive Wiki

JNR No. 8620 is a Class 8620 2-6-0 Mogul-type steam locomotive built for the Japanese Government Railways, later the Japanese National Railways, by Kisha Seizō in 1913.


8620 was built in Osaka by Kisha Seizō in 1913; it would be the 119th locomotive built by the company. 8620 was the first of what would become 672 locomotives of the same class built over a period of 16 years. 8620 entered service in 1914, beginning service in Kyushu and assigned to Tosu roundhouse. It would mainly be used to pull express and rapid passenger trains but also pulled freight trains as well.

After moving around Japan, 8620 was retired from service in 1958, then stored at Tadotsu Works in Tadotsu, Shikoku. It was then purchased by the Ome Railway Park in 1962, being the third locomotive to arrive at the park on 13 November 1962. The locomotive remains on static display at the park.


  • 8620 is a main focal point of the Japanese visual novel Maitetsu.
Notable steam locomotives of the Japanese National Railways
Class 10 17
Class 110 110
Class 150 150
Class 160 165
Class 230 233
Class 400 403
Class 860 860
Class 1275 1275
Class 1290 1292 Zenkō
Class 2100 2109
Class 7100 7101 Benkei7105 Yoshitsune7106 Shizuka
Class 7150 7150 Taishō
Class 8620 8620863058654
Class 9600 9608963349671
Class 9750 9856
Class B20 B20 10
Class C10 C10 8
Class C11 C11 1C11 64C11 123C11 171C11 190C11 207C11 227C11 312C11 325
Class C12 C12 66C12 164
Class C51 C51 239
Class C53 C53 43C53 45
Class C55 C55 1
Class C56 C56 31C56 44C56 160
Class C57 C57 1C57 135C57 180
Class C58 C58 1C58 239C58 363
Class C59 C59 1C59 164
Class C61 C61 2C61 20
Class C62 C62 2C62 3C62 17
Class D50 D50 140
Class D51 D51 1D51 146D51 200D51 498D51 827
Class E10 E10 2