Frisco Silver Dollar Line No. 7 is a 2-foot (610mm) 0-4-0T type steam locomotive built by Orenstein & Koppel (O&K) of Berlin, Germany in 1934 under works number 12480.
Originally it had worked for Peter Buescher & Sohn before being purchased for the Frisco Silver Dollar Line in the 1960s. Over the years No. 7 was disassembled and mainly used for spare parts for the other locomotives.
Formerly, what was left of No. 7 was seen on display along the ride in the woods set up as the train wreck scene, which was also known as the "Wreck of Old Engine 82". It posed as "Old Engine 82" in the fictional story of Ichabod Q. Peabody, as he took said engine around a tight curve with a speed limit of 2.3 mph at the raging, blazing speed of 11.7 mph. The train jumped the tracks and crashed into the trees. Nobody was hurt in the fictional accident. They sobered up Ichabod and got him running the train again.
The locomotive will likely never run again anytime soon due to its rather poor and deteriorated condition. However, one of its sister locomotives, FSDL 43, is still in preservation on the FSDL as of today.
The frame supports 43's old boiler, which was condemned in the 1980s then swapped out. 7's boiler was condemned as well, putting 43 out of service for nearly a decade.
No. 7 was removed from the wreck scene in 2023. The engine’s whereabouts are unknown, but she is likely sitting in storage outside the roundhouse or on top of the hill in the middle of the outer loop.