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This tender is the only surviving car of the Delaware & Hudson No. 1517 now surviving as an Auxiliary Water Tender for Canadian Pacific No. 2816

Delaware & Hudson No. 1517 was a 4-6-6-4 "Challenger" type steam locomotive built by Alco in 1940 for the Delaware & Hudson railroad where it worked haul freight trains for much of its career.

The loco only got to serve for 12 years because unfortunately it sold for scrap in October of 1952, when it was retired from active service, and only the tender remains. It is now an Auxiliary water tender #35508 for Canadian Pacific No. 2816 during steam excursion season.


  • The tender is one of only 2 tenders of the Delaware & Hudson Challengers that survived into preservation the other is #1508 which is located in Binghamton, NY.
  • The reason that the tender survived it's because it was stored as work service car #35508, was also rebuilt to serve as an extra water tender for the thirsty steam locomotive, since water facilities had been closed and dismantled since the end of the steam era.
  • The car was fitted with MU passthrough cable connections, fire hose fittings for refilling, and it’s brake system brought up to standard. It was also given a new coat of paint to match the Canadian Pacific passenger paint scheme used on steam locomotive tenders, with a large Tuscan red panel, and gold border and lettering.