The DB Class 50.40 was a class of 31 2-10-0 "Decapod" type steam locomotives that were rebuilds from the DRB Class 50 and were designed to replace the DRB Class 52.
When the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) had sufficient goods locomotives for their goods trains, they had decided that it was time for them to quickly phase out the DRB Class 52, so that the boilers that were being used on the Class 50s could be replaced by the same boiler design on the Class 52s.
After the experience with the experimental Franco-Crosti boiler system on Class 52 (also known to be the DB Class 42.90), Henschel had rebuilt one DRB Class 50 locomotive, No. 50 1412, in 1954. This had included a second preheater boiler that was underneath the actual boiler itself, after the smoke gases had flowed through the main boiler, they were turned around and passed through the preheater boiler.
In 1958, a total of 30 more locomotives of the DRB Class 50 were given the same modifications as was given to No. 50 1412. These locos were redesignated as 50 4001 to 50 4031, with the sole exception No. 50 4011 that had the modifications but was converted to burn oil instead of coal.
All 31 locomotives of the class were retired from active service by 1967 and not a single one of the class was preserved, they were all scrapped.