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File:Badische IX.jpg

German Crampton locomotive Badenia of the Baden State Railway, built in 1863

A Crampton locomotive is a type of steam locomotive designed by Thomas Russell Crampton and built by various firms from 1846. The main British builders were Tulk and Ley and Robert Stephenson and Company.

Notable features were a low boiler and large driving wheels. The crux of the Crampton patent was that the single driving axle was placed behind the firebox, so that the driving wheels could be very large. This helped to give this design a low centre of gravity, so that it did not require a very broad-gauge track to travel safely at high speeds. Its wheel arrangement was usually 4-2-0 or 6-2-0.

Design variations[]

Because the single driving axle was behind the firebox, Crampton locomotives usually had outside cylinders. However, some inside cylinder versions were built using indirect drive, then known as a jackshaft. The inside cylinders drove a crankshaft located in front of the firebox and the crankshaft was connected to the driving wheels by outside rods. Some long-wheelbase 0-4-0Ts were also built using this crankshaft system. The boiler feed-pump was often driven from the crankshaft as well because many Cramptons were built before the injector was invented.

Another peculiarity on some Crampton locomotives was the use of a boiler of oval cross-section, to lower the centre of gravity. It would nowadays be regarded as bad engineering practice because the internal pressure would tend to push the boiler into a circular cross-section and increase the risk of metal fatigue.


File:France Paris Champs Elysees Locomotive Crampton 80 01.JPG

Preserved French Crampton locomotive No 80 Le Continent of the Paris à Strasbourg railway, built in 1852

Crampton locomotives were used by some British railways and speeds of up to 120 km/h (75 mph) were achieved on the LNWR. They were more popular in France, southern Germany and the US. In France the expression "prendre la Crampton" meant to catch an express, and in the argot of the Saint Cyr military academy, footplate staff were known as "officiers de Crampton" (and this as late as 1971). One of the French examples has been preserved in the Cité du Train (the French Railway Museum) at Mulhouse and is still in working order. This is number 80 of the Chemin de Fer de l'Est, the Paris-Strasbourg line, which is named "Le Continent".

Locomotive list[]

The approximate numbers of Crampton-type locomotives built in Europe were:

  • Great Britain: 51
  • France: 127
  • Germany: 135

Manufactured in Great Britain[]

Built by: Tulk and Ley, all of 4-2-0 wheel arrangement:

Works no. Date built Railway Name/no.
10 1847 Namur and Liege Railway Namur
11 1847 Namur and Liege Railway Liege
1847 Namur and Liege Railway
12? 1847 London and North Western Railway, Southern Division 200 London
14 1847 Dundee and Perth and Aberdeen Junction Railway Kinnaird
1847 Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne and Manchester Railway 35 Pegasus
1848 Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne and Manchester Railway 36 Phlegon
17 1854 Maryport and Carlisle Railway 12

Built by: Robert Stephenson and Company Robert Stephenson and Company built a number of Crampton type locomotives for the South Eastern Railway and the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. These were all of 4-2-0 wheel arrangement with inside cylinders and indirect drive. The inside cylinders drove a crankshaft located in front of the firebox and the crankshaft was coupled to the driving wheels by outside rods.

File:Great Exhibition, No 136 Folkstone by HF Talbot, 1851.jpg

SER No. 136 Folkstone with intermediate crankshaft at the Great Exhibition in 1851.

Works no. Date built Railway No./Name
785 1851 South Eastern Railway 134
786 1851 South Eastern Railway 135
787 1851 South Eastern Railway 136 Folkstone
788 1851 South Eastern Railway 137
789 1851 South Eastern Railway 138
790 1851 South Eastern Railway 139
791 1851 South Eastern Railway 140
792 1851 South Eastern Railway 141
793 1851 South Eastern Railway 142
794 1851 South Eastern Railway 143
1851 Prussian Eastern Railway England
1851 Prussian Eastern Railway
1851 Prussian Eastern Railway
1851 Prussian Eastern Railway
1851 Prussian Eastern Railway
1851 Prussian Eastern Railway
1381 1862 London, Chatham and Dover Railway Coquette
1382 1862 Echo
1383 1862 Flirt
1384 1862 Flora
1385 1862 Sylph

Built by: Bury, Curtis, and Kennedy, all 4-2-0 except Liverpool which was 6-2-0.

Works no. Date built Railway No./Name
355 1848 London and North Western Railway, Southern Division 245 Liverpool
? 1848 South Eastern Railway 68
? 1848 South Eastern Railway 69
? 1848 South Eastern Railway 72
? 1848 South Eastern Railway 74
? 1848 South Eastern Railway 75
? 1848 South Eastern Railway 78

Built by: E. B. Wilson and Company

Works no. Date built Railway Name/no.
? 1847 North British Railway 55
? 1847 Eastern Counties Railway 108
? 1847 Eastern Counties Railway 109
? 1847 Eastern Counties Railway 110
? 1847 Eastern Counties Railway 111
? 1847 Eastern Counties Railway 112
? 1847 Aberdeen Railway 26
? 1847 Aberdeen Railway 27

Built by: R and W Hawthorn

Manufacturer Works no. Date built Railway Name/no.
R and W Hawthorn 1006 1858 East Kent Railway Lake
R and W Hawthorn 1007 1858 East Kent Railway Sondes
R and W Hawthorn 1008 1858 East Kent Railway Faversham
R and W Hawthorn 1009 1858 East Kent Railway Chatham
R and W Hawthorn 1010 1858 East Kent Railway Sittingbourne
R and W Hawthorn 1011 1858 East Kent Railway Crampton

Built by: various builders

File:Midland Railway 4-2-0 Crampton Locomotive No 131 built by Kitson, Thompson & Hewitson in 1848 – No caption, black and white.jpg

Midland Railway locomotive No 130, built by Kitson, Thompson & Hewitson in 1848

File:Locomotive "Fire Queen".jpg

Fire Queen built by A. Horlick & Co. in 1848 for the Padarn Railway, preserved at the Penrhyn Castle Railway Museum

Builder Works no. Date built Railway Name/no.
Nasmyth, Gaskell and Company 53 1846 South Eastern Railway 92
LNWR Crewe Works ? 1847 London and North Western Railway, Northern Division 176 Courier
Kitson and Company ? 1848 Midland Railway 130
Kitson and Company ? 1848 Midland Railway 131
Timothy Hackworth ? 1848 London, Brighton and South Coast Railway 56
Timothy Hackworth ? 1848 London, Brighton and South Coast Railway 58
A. Horlock and Co - 1848 Padarn Railway Fire Queen
A. Horlock and Co - 1848 Padarn Railway Jenny Lind
R. B. Longridge and Company ? 1851 Great Northern Railway 200

Manufactured in France[]

Builder Works no. Date built Railway Name/no.
Société Ch.Derosne et Cail 139–150 (12) 1849 Chemins de fer du Nord 122 Crampton to 133 Linné
Société J. F. Cail & Cie 188–199 (12) 1852 Chemins de fer de l'Est 79 Le Globe to 90 L’Amérique
Société J. F. Cail & Cie 219–230 (12) 1853–54 Chemins de fer du Nord 134 Pradier to 145 Van Eyck
Société J. F. Cail & Cie 329–340 (12) 1854 Template:Interlanguage link multi 301 to 312
Société J. F. Cail & Cie 387–392 (6) 1855 Template:Interlanguage link multi 313 to 318
Société J. F. Cail & Cie 414–429 (16) 1855 Chemins de fer du Nord 146 Alibert to 161 Volney
Société J. F. Cail & Cie 544–555 (12) 1857 Template:Interlanguage link multi 319 La France to 330 La Grèce
Société J. F. Cail & Cie 443 1856 Chemin de fer du Nord 162 Alma
Société J. F. Cail & Cie 444 1856 Chemin de fer du Nord 163 Inkerman
Schneider et Cie 196–210 (15) 1856 Chemins de fer de l'Est 174 Eupatoria to 188 Taganrok
André Koechlin et Cie 820–829 (10) 1864 Chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée 31 Sylphie to 40 Moucheron

Manufactured in Germany[]

Builder Works no. Date built Railway Name/no.
J. A. Maffei ?–? (4) 1853 Pfälzische Eisenbahnen 26 to 29
Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Karlsruhe ?–? (2) 1854 Baden State Railway 67 Adler and 68 Falke
Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Karlsruhe ?–? (8) 1854–56 Baden State Railway 69 Comet to 78 Basel
Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Karlsruhe ?–? (8) 1854–56 Baden State Railway 69 Adler to 78 Falke
Maschinenfabrik Esslingen ?–? (14) 1855–63 Pfälzische Eisenbahnen 36–41, 46–49, 60–63
Ausbesserungswerk Karlsruhe [de] ?–? (3) 1856 Baden State Railway 1, 2, and 4
J. A. Maffei ?–? (12) 1857–58 Bayerische Ostbahn A1 to A12
Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Karlsruhe ?–? (8) 1858–59 Baden State Railway Rheinfelden to Pfalz
Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Karlsruhe ?–? (8) 1863 Baden State Railway Badenia to Offenburg

See also[]

  • Long Boiler locomotive
  • 6-2-0 for Crampton locomotives in the USA

External links[]
