Locomotive Wiki

Conway Scenic Railroad No. 108 is a 2-6-2 Prairie type steam locomotive.


108 was built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1920, originally built as San Augustine County Lumber Company #108. It later became Angelina and Neches River Railroad #108 until 1954, when the engine was purchased and sold to the Reader Railroad, where it gained its new identity as Reader Railroad #108. In 1976, it was acquired by the Conway Scenic Railroad and the locomotive became Conway Scenic Railroad #108. The engine operated on the railroad from 1977 until it's retirement in 1986, due to mechanical issues. The boiler failed and because CSRR already had another larger steam locomotive in operation the #108 was set aside and left to rust sadly. Because the #108 was an oil fired locomotive it cost more to run so simply put, it was not cost effective for CSRR to fix the #108 and keep it in operation. After retirement, it sat on display in the yard until 1999 when it was sold to the Rannoch Corporation and was moved back to its home in Texas. The engine is at present owned by the Robbins Rail Museum and is sitting on a side track in pieces, awaiting restoration.

