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Leviathan is a 4-4-0 tender steam locomotive.


Central Pacific No.63, named Leviathan, is a 4-4-0 American steam locomotive. It was built by the Schenectady Locomotive Works of New York in September 1868 for the Central Pacific Railroad and was used for the Transcontinental Railroad project.[1][2][3]

The engine was designed to haul passenger trains for the Central Pacific Railroad including transports to build the First Transcontinental Railroad. Sadly, the historical significance of this locomotive was not realized until decades after it was scrapped in 1901. By then, the Leviathan had been unrecognizably altered.[1][2][3]


In 2009, a replica was made; the replica remains operational today but only operates on special occasions and is also used for tourist excursions of any kind. But as of today, the Leviathan has been moved to the Star Barn Estates in Elizabethtown, PA. It is currently unknown if the locomotive will be traveling anymore. When the Leviathan moved to the Star Barn Estates, she was also re-lettered and renumbered as "Pennsylvania Railroad No.331" its unknown when it will change back to No.63 Leviathan and being donated to another railroad and when it’s going to return to service.[1][2][3]


  • The Leviathan was the only Central Pacific locomotive that lives (is based in) in the state of Illinois.
  • The replica of the engine is owned and designed by David H. Kloke of Kloke Locomotive Works of Elgin, Illinois.
  • The locomotive used to be America's newest operating steam locomotive but has lost the title to the York 17, another replica built by David Kloke in 2013.
  • The Leviathan and the Jupiter are both operating 4-4-0s from the Central Pacific Railroad, they are also Replicas, and he's also the Jupiter's brother.
  • In 2012 the engine did a doubleheader with Lehigh Valley Coal Co. #126 at the Illinois Railway Museum.
  • The locomotive did a doubleheader with Little River Railroad No.110 at Train Expo 2014.
  • The locomotive was originally designed to burn wood, which was the reason for its distinctive funnel which contained a spark arrestor.
  • The locomotive was originally used for freight service besides hauling passengers.
  • On July 2009 the Leviathan made its first public appearance at "America's Largest Celebration of Railroading" in Owosso, MI.
  • After the Transcontinental Railroad ceremony, the Leviathan found itself in more regular usage on the Central Pacific.
  • In the early 1870s, the railroad had given up naming their engines, and the Leviathan name was dropped, and the engine was simply known as CP #63.
  • The Leviathan made multiple visits around the Midwest and eastern parts of the United States.
  • In June 2015 the engine was at the Galesburg Railroad Museum for Railroad Days and David Kloke was an engineer of the Leviathan.
  • In 2014, the locomotive was at Train Expo 2014.
  • In 2011, the locomotive was at the Rock Island Train Festival.
  • From 2011-2013, it operated at the Illinois Railway Museum. Also, in August 2011 it sat on display at the Illinois Railway Museum during the Day Out With Thomas event.

See also[]

