Locomotive Wiki

Canadian Pacific Railway No. 3 is a class A2-L 4-4-0 " type steam locomotive built in 1882 by Dubs & Co. of Glasgow, Scotland for the Canadian Pacific Railway, and was numbered #22.

For 20 years it did duty as a passenger locomotive between Thunder Bay and Kenora, Ontario on CP, and the engine's service included nearly 10 years of working out West in the Canadian Rockies, from 1898 to 1908.

After a stint in BC, and now numbered 133, the locomotive came back east in 1909 and was rebuilt and modernized in the Winnipeg shops.

In 1923, the engine was renumbered 3 and later served the City of Winnipeg Hydro company's railway system. The tender was re-lettered "City of Winnipeg Hydro" when it operated.

The engine is now at the Prairie Dog Central Railway, carrying passenger excursions for them along their short ex-CN branchline.


  • No. 3 is the oldest operating steam locomotive in Canada.
  • Sometime around October 1959, the engine was given a snowplow.
  • In 2009, the locomotive received its third boiler after a major rebuild.
  • In 1986, The engine was a guest appearance at Expo 86's spin-off, Steam Expo.
  • When the engine was restored by the Prairie Dog Central Railway, the tender was re-lettered "City of Winnipeg Hydro" and today it says, "Prairie Dog Central".
  • Every Year in the summer it operates on Canada Day.
  • After sitting for a few years, she was acquired by the Vintage Locomotive Society and renovated as a Centennial project.
  • Engine can be seen in Sesame Street Kids Guide to Life Learning to Share
  • Engine can be seen in Lots and Lots of Trains Volume 1 during the Smokin' The Rails song.

See also[]
