An ALCO PA #601 is operating on the Denver & Rio Grande Western.
An ALCO PA #51 is operating on the ATSF Railroad.
An Alco PA Diesel locomotive is hauling the 1947 Freedom Train.
The Locomotive that used to pull the Freedom Train is now Gulf Mobile and Ohio Railroad #292.
Delaware and Hudson Railroad #17 is at the National Railway Museum in Puebla (Mexico).
Delaware and Hudson Railroad #19 is also at the National Railway Museum in Puebla (Mexico).
An ALCO PA #8375 is operating on the Pennsylvania Railroad.
NKP No. 190 is at the Oregon Rail Heritage Center.
No. 190 with Union Pacific No. 3203
NKP No. 190 is in the Brooklyn Roundhouse while 4449 is under restoration.
Two former Santa Fe PA1s haul railfan passengers on the Delaware & Hudson in October 1974.
An artist's rendering of the Freedom Train in Chicago IL along with the Pioneer (locomotive).
A Southern Pacific Alco PA is giving a washdown
Nickel Plate Road ALCO PA #190 at the ORHC March 12 2020
Lehigh Valley ALCO PA #604 leads a passenger train in 1950.