Locomotive Wiki

The 200 Series Shinkansen is a high-speed electric multiple unit operated by the Japanese National Railways and its successor company the East Japan Railway Company from June 1982 to April 2013. These were the first Shinkansen sets operating in the eastern parts of Japan.


Based on the prototype Class 962 Shinkansen set, the 200 Series sets entered service on the Tōhoku and Jōetsu Shinkansen in June 1982 as the first Shinkansen trains operating in the eastern regions of Japan. Withdrawals started in 1997, with the last non-refurbished set being withdrawn by May 2007; the remaining sets were all withdrawn by April 2013. The 200 Series sets were actually built before the 100 Series sets; this is due to the old Shinkansen classification rule where even numbers were used for sets that were to be used east of Tokyo.

Five cars have been preserved.


Featuring largely the same design as the 0 Series Shinkansen sets, the 200 Series sets were lighter and more powerful, using new thyristor-driven motors; this was due to the steeper and more mountainous regions the trains operated on. The 200 Series also has a snow plow at the front to aid it on the mountainous lines it was designed for due to frequent snowfall in those regions.

Their original design featured an ivory body with green side stripes; from 1999 this was changed to a new livery with a dark blue side stripe with mint green highlights. Some sets were repainted back into their original liveries from about 2012. Some of these original sets were modified with retractable couplers.

Later 200 Series sets feature a long bullet nosed design mimicking that of the 100 Series Shinkansen sets.


E sets (1982-1993)[]

These were the original 12-car 200 Series trainsets. They had a top speed of 210 km/h (130 mph). In some time between 1986~1989. During inspection. Inspectors found these sets were suffering from various Metal Fatigues. Which is one of the key-factors why the train had to be taken out or withdrawn from operation. This also applied to the future sets G, F, and E sets.

F sets (1983-2007)[]

These were 12-car sets which could attain a top speed of 240 km/h (150 mph). Four sets (F54, F59, F14 and F16) were upgraded in 1990 to give them a maximum speed of 275 km/h (171 mph), and renumbered F90-93. The service which they ran at their top speed was called the Asahi service. When this service was discontinued in 1998 the sets were then used interchangeably with the other "slower" F sets. Eventually, these same thing happened to the E sets, which suffered Metal Fatigue. And also was the fact that alot of trains like the E2 Series, E4, E1; which were much more successful trains operated services like the "Asahi, Toki, and Yamabiko" which is another reason which it lead to the withdrawal/retirement of these trains.

G sets (1987-1999)[]

These were 10-car (later 8-car) sets. Which were formed from the earlier 12-car E sets. They entered service in April 1987. Eventually, these same thing happened to the E sets, which suffered Metal Fatigue. Since they were a derivative of the earlier E-sets.

H sets (1990-2005)[]

There were six 16-car (later converted to 13-car) sets with a maximum speed of 240 km/h (150 mph). Though these were single level sets, they did have two luxury bi-level cars at place nine and ten in the set. They entered service in June 1990. After the 13th of March 2004 all regular services using the 16-car H sets ended. Though sets H4 and H5 had their "Green" (luxury) bi-level cars removed and were used only for the seasonal (summer) use until mid-2005. The end cars are unique due to their pointed noses, similar to the 100-Series. The same thing happened here to the retirement the F-sets as what it did for the F-sets.

K sets (1992-2013)[]

These 8-car (later 10-car) sets have a top speed of 240 km/h (150 mph), and some have nose-end couplers to work with 400 and E3 Series Shinkansen trainsets. The Tohoku line sets were to be withdrawn starting from the 19th of November 2011, leaving the last 200 Series sets on the Jōetsu line. The last remaining set in service, set K47, was used for various final runs to commemorate the withdrawal of the series.


Construction is of aluminium. The intermediate cars are 25 meters long. Top speed is 240 km/h (150 mph), but for sets F90 to F93 the top speed is 275 km/h (171 mph). They run of 25 kV, AC at 60 Hz.


The following 200 Series Shinkansen cars have been preserved:

Car number Manufacturer Date manufactured Date retired Previous sets Location Notes
221-1 Nippon Sharyo October 1980 December 2000 E1, F30 Sendai General Shinkansen Depot, Sendai, Japan Ex-first production set E1
222-35 Kinki Sharyo March 1982 January 2006 E35, F56, K11, K31 The Railway Museum, Saitama, Japan Coupler system demonstrated at events
221-1510 Tokyu Car Corporation October 1984 April 2013 F13, K47 Niitsu Railway Museum, Niigata, Japan Ex-K47, last operational set; replaced a 200 Series Shinkansen mockup at said museum

The following 200 Series Shinkansen cars were preserved in the past but have since been scrapped:

Car number Manufacturer Date manufactured Date retired Previous sets Last location Notes
222-1 Nippon Sharyo October 1980 December 2000 E1, F30 Sendai General Shinkansen Depot, Sendai, Japan Ex-first production set E1, scrapped March 2009
249-5 Tokyu Car Corporation July 1990 June 2004 H5 Bilevel dining car, scrapped March 2009
221-15 Kawasaki Heavy Industries October 1980 October 2001 E15, F37 Nagareyama Onsen Station, Kameda, Hokkaido, Japan Preserved outdoors next to station; scrapped June 2013, station closed March 2022
221-1505 Kinki Sharyo July 1984 March 2006 K25 JR East General Training Center, Fukushima, Japan Damaged by 2004 Chūetsu earthquake, formerly located at Niigata Depot; scrapped March 2024

In addition, a set of wheels from set E21, the first set used when the Tōhoku Shinkansen opened, is preserved at Ōmiya Station.



Active JR West 500700N700N700SW7
JR East E2E3E5E6E7E8
JR Central N700N700S
JR Kyushu N700N700S800
JR Hokkaido H5
Withdrawn JR West 0100300
JR East 200400E1E4
JR Central 0100300700
Future JR Central L0
Non-revenue JNR 9229259419519619621000
JR West 922923500-900
JR East 925952/953E926E954E955E956
JR Central 922923955
RTRI FGT-9000GCT01GCT01-200ML100ML500ML500RMLU001MLU002MLU002NMLX01
Other JR Central Super Hikari Model
JGR/JNR rolling stock
JGR Wooden-bodied EMUs Commuter: 963625062606280628563006310634033400335004320063100
Steel-bodied EMUs Commuter: 303132334042505162637072
Express: 5280
Non-revenue EMUs Non-revenue: 793
DMUs Constant mesh gearbox: KiHa 01KiHa 04KiHa 07KiHa 5000KiHa 40000
Diesel-electric: KiHaNi 36450KiHa 43000KiHa 44000
Miscellaneous: KiSaHa 04
Miscellaneous Steam railcar: HoJi 6005
JNR AC EMUs Shinkansen: 0100200
Non-revenue Shinkansen: 9229259419519619621000
Commuter: 711713715717
Limited Express: 781
Non-revenue: 791
DC EMUs Commuter: 101103105111113115117119121123201203205207211213301
Limited Express: 151153155157159161165167169181183185189381
Conversions: 1101112
Non-revenue: 141143145147191193
Proposed: 187
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 413415417419
Limited Express: 451453455457471473475481483485489581583
Non-revenue: 212290441443493495591
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 08KiHa 10KiHa 15KiHa 20KiHa 31KiHa 32KiHa 35KiHa 37KiHa 38KiHa 40KiHa 45KiHa 54KiHa 66
Express: KiHa 55KiHa 56KiHa 57KiHa 58KiHa 60KiHa 65KiHa 90
Limited Express: KiHa 80KiHa 181KiHa 183KiHa 185
Non-revenue: KiYa 191
GTLs Non-revenue: KiHa 391
JR East rolling stock
Active AC EMUs Shinkansen: E2E3E5E6E7E8
Non-revenue Shinkansen: E926E956
Commuter: 701719E721
Limited Express: E751
DC EMUs Commuter: 115E127E129E131205209211E217E231E233E235
Limited Express: 185253E257E259E261E353
Non-revenue: 209-0
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 415E501E531
Limited Express: E653E657
Charter: E655
Non-revenue: E491E493
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 40KiHa 100KiHa 110KiHa E120KiHa E130
Non-revenue: KiYa E193KiYa E195
AC BEMUs Commuter: EV-E801
DC BEMUs Commuter: EV-E301
Hybrid MUs Commuter: KiHa E200HB-E210GV-E400
Charter: E001HB-E300
Non-revenue: GV-E197
Fuel cell MUs Non-revenue: FV-E991
Other MUs Non-revenue: E991
Withdrawn AC EMUs Shinkansen: 200400E1E4
Non-revenue Shinkansen: 925952/953E954E955
Commuter: 715717
Non-revenue: 740743
DC EMUs Commuter: 12101103105107113123201203207215301E331
Limited Express: 157165167169183189251255E351
Non-revenue: 90143145193901E993
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 417451453455457
Limited Express: 485489583651
Non-revenue: 441443497E991
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 20KiHa 35KiHa 37KiHa 38KiHa 45
Express: KiHa 58
Charter: KiHa 141
Non-revenue: KiYa 191
Hybrid MUs Non-revenue: KiYa E991KuMoYa E995
Future Hybrid MUs Commuter: HB-E220
JR rolling stock
Active JR West 500700N700N700SW7
JR East E2E3E5E6E7E8
JR Central N700N700S
JR Kyushu N700N700S800
JR Hokkaido H5
Withdrawn JR West 0100300
JR East 200400E1E4
JR Central 0100300700
Future JR Central L0
Non-revenue JNR 9229259419519619621000
JR West 922923500-900
JR East 925952/953E926E954E955E956
JR Central 922923955
RTRI FGT-9000GCT01GCT01-200ML100ML500ML500RMLU001MLU002MLU002NMLX01
Other JR Central Super Hikari Model
JR East rolling stock
Active AC EMUs Shinkansen: E2E3E5E6E7E8
Non-revenue Shinkansen: E926E956
Commuter: 701719E721
Limited Express: E751
DC EMUs Commuter: 115E127E129E131205209211E217E231E233E235
Limited Express: 185253E257E259E261E353
Non-revenue: 209-0
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 415E501E531
Limited Express: E653E657
Charter: E655
Non-revenue: E491E493
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 40KiHa 100KiHa 110KiHa E120KiHa E130
Non-revenue: KiYa E193KiYa E195
AC BEMUs Commuter: EV-E801
DC BEMUs Commuter: EV-E301
Hybrid MUs Commuter: KiHa E200HB-E210GV-E400
Charter: E001HB-E300
Non-revenue: GV-E197
Fuel cell MUs Non-revenue: FV-E991
Other MUs Non-revenue: E991
Withdrawn AC EMUs Shinkansen: 200400E1E4
Non-revenue Shinkansen: 925952/953E954E955
Commuter: 715717
Non-revenue: 740743
DC EMUs Commuter: 12101103105107113123201203207215301E331
Limited Express: 157165167169183189251255E351
Non-revenue: 90143145193901E993
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 417451453455457
Limited Express: 485489583651
Non-revenue: 441443497E991
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 20KiHa 35KiHa 37KiHa 38KiHa 45
Express: KiHa 58
Charter: KiHa 141
Non-revenue: KiYa 191
Hybrid MUs Non-revenue: KiYa E991KuMoYa E995
Future Hybrid MUs Commuter: HB-E220
JR West rolling stock
Active AC EMUs Shinkansen: 500700N700N700SW7
Non-revenue Shinkansen: 923
DC EMUs Commuter: 103105113115117123125201205207213221223225227321323
Limited Express: 271273281283285287289381
Non-revenue: 145
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 521
Limited Express: 681683
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 40KiHa 120KiHa 121/126KiHa 122/127
Limited Express: KiHa 187KiHa 189
Non-revenue: KiYa 141KiYa 143
Hybrid DEMUs Charter: 87
Non-revenue: DEC700DEC741
Withdrawn AC EMUs Shinkansen: 0100300
Non-revenue Shinkansen: 922500-900
DC EMUs Commuter: 428384101211
Limited Express: 165167183
Non-revenue: 9091213/223-9000441
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 413415419455457471475
Limited Express: 485489583
Non-revenue: 443
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 33KiHa 35KiHa 37KiHa 45KiHa 52
Express: KiHa 58KiHa 65
Limited Express: KiHa 181
Non-revenue: KiYa 191
Hybrid BEMUs Commuter: DGBC2
JR Central rolling stock
Active AC EMUs Shinkansen: N700N700S
DC EMUs Commuter: 211213311313315
Limited Express: 285373383
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 11KiHa 25KiHa 75
Limited Express: HC85
Non-revenue: KiYa 95KiYa 97
Withdrawn AC EMUs Shinkansen: 0100300700
Non-revenue Shinkansen: 922923955
DC EMUs Commuter: 12103105113115117119123
Limited Express: 165371381
Non-revenue: 90145193
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 30KiHa 40
Express: KiHa 58KiHa 65
Limited Express: KiHa 80KiHa 85
Future DC EMUs Limited Express: 385
Maglevs Maglev: L0
Proposed AC EMUs Shinkansen: Super Hikari Model
JR Kyushu rolling stock
Active AC EMUs Shinkansen: N700N700S800
Commuter: 713811813815817821
Limited Express: 783787883885
DC EMUs Commuter: 103303305
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 415
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 40KiHa 125KiHa 200
Limited Express: KiHa 71KiHa 72KiHa 183-1000KiHa 185
Charter: KiHa 125-400
Non-revenue: BE220
AC BEMUs Commuter: BEC819
Hybrid MUs Commuter: YC1
Withdrawn AC EMUs Commuter: 715717
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 457475
Limited Express: 485
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 20KiHa 31KiHa 35KiHa 45
Express: KiHa 58KiHa 65KiHa 66
JR Hokkaido rolling stock
Active AC EMUs Shinkansen: H5
Commuter: 721731733735737
Limited Express: 785789
DMUs Commuter: H100KiHa 40KiHa 54KiHa 141KiHa 150KiHa 201
Limited Express: KiHa 261KiHa 281KiHa 283
Non-revenue: KiYa 291
Withdrawn AC EMUs Commuter: 711
Limited Express: 781
Dual-current EMUs Limited Express: 485583
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 22KiHa 45KiHa 130
Express: KiHa 56
Limited Express: KiHa 80KiHa 183 series(KiHa 183-5000KiHa 183-5100KiHa 183-5200)
Non-revenue: KiHa 160KiHa 285
Future Fuel cell MUs Commuter: Unclassified
JR Shikoku rolling stock
Active DC EMUs Commuter: 1131215000600070007200
Limited Express: 80008600
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 32KiHa 40KiHa 54100012001500
Limited Express: KiHa 1852000N200026002700
Withdrawn DC EMUs Commuter: 111
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 20KiHa 35KiHa 45
Express: KiHa 57KiHa 58KiHa 65
Limited Express: KiHa 181
Future Hybrid MUs Commuter: Unclassified
JR Group motive power
JNR Diesel prototype DB10DC10DC11DD10
4-axle diesel DD11DD12DD13DD14DD15DD16DD17DD20DD21DD40DD41DD42DD50DD51DD53DD54DD90DD91DD92DD93
5-axle diesel DE10DE11DE15DE50
6-axle diesel DF40DF41DF50DF90DF91 (gen 1)DF91 (gen 2)DF92DF93
Shinkansen 911912
Narrow-gauge diesel Ke DB10Ke DB11
Early 2/4-axle freight electric AB10EB10ED10ED11ED12ED13ED14ED15ED16ED17ED18 (gen 1)ED18 (gen 2)ED19ED23ED24
Early 4-axle passenger electric ED50ED51ED52ED53ED54ED55ED56ED57
Early 6-axle freight electric EF10EF11EF12EF13EF14EF15EF16EF18
Early 6-axle passenger electric EF20EF50EF51EF52EF53EF54EF55EF56EF57EF58EF59HEF10HEF50
Early 8-axle electric EH10EH50HEH50HEH150
Early Abt rack rail electric EC40ED40ED41ED42
Acquired from private railways ED20ED21ED22ED25 (gen 1)ED25 (gen 2)ED26 (gen 1)ED26 (gen 2)ED27 (gen 1)ED27 (gen 2)ED28 (gen 1)ED28 (gen 2)ED29 (gen 1)ED29 (gen 2)ED30 (gen 1)ED31ED32ED33ED34ED35ED36ED37ED38Ke ED10DeKi 1RoKo 1DeKi 501RoKo 1000
DC 4-axle ED60ED61ED62ED63ED95
AC 4-axle ED44ED45ED70ED71ED72ED73ED74ED75ED76ED77ED78ED79ED90ED91ED93ED94
DC 6-axle EF60EF61EF62EF63EF64EF65EF66EF67EF90
AC 6-axle EF70EF71
Dual-current ED30 (gen 2)ED46ED92EF30EF80EF81
Other AH100
JR Group Dual-current electric ED500EF500EF510EH500
DC electric EF200EF210EH200
AC electric EH800
Diesel DD18DD19DB500DD200DF200ENR-1000
Hybrid HD300
Railway Technical Research Institute rolling stock
Active DC BEMUs LH02
Dual-current EMUs FGT-9000
Fuel cell MUs R291
Withdrawn Dual-current EMUs 497GCT01GCT01-200
Maglev ML100ML500ML500RMLU001MLU002MLU002NMLX01
JGR/JNR rolling stock
JGR Wooden-bodied EMUs Commuter: 963625062606280628563006310634033400335004320063100
Steel-bodied EMUs Commuter: 303132334042505162637072
Express: 5280
Non-revenue EMUs Non-revenue: 793
DMUs Constant mesh gearbox: KiHa 01KiHa 04KiHa 07KiHa 5000KiHa 40000
Diesel-electric: KiHaNi 36450KiHa 43000KiHa 44000
Miscellaneous: KiSaHa 04
Miscellaneous Steam railcar: HoJi 6005
JNR AC EMUs Shinkansen: 0100200
Non-revenue Shinkansen: 9229259419519619621000
Commuter: 711713715717
Limited Express: 781
Non-revenue: 791
DC EMUs Commuter: 101103105111113115117119121123201203205207211213301
Limited Express: 151153155157159161165167169181183185189381
Conversions: 1101112
Non-revenue: 141143145147191193
Proposed: 187
Dual-current EMUs Commuter: 413415417419
Limited Express: 451453455457471473475481483485489581583
Non-revenue: 212290441443493495591
DMUs Commuter: KiHa 08KiHa 10KiHa 15KiHa 20KiHa 31KiHa 32KiHa 35KiHa 37KiHa 38KiHa 40KiHa 45KiHa 54KiHa 66
Express: KiHa 55KiHa 56KiHa 57KiHa 58KiHa 60KiHa 65KiHa 90
Limited Express: KiHa 80KiHa 181KiHa 183KiHa 185
Non-revenue: KiYa 191
GTLs Non-revenue: KiHa 391