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File:Alco 2-6-6 NYC.jpg

ALCO-built 2-6-6 suburban tank locomotive of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad.

In the Whyte notation for describing steam locomotive wheel arrangement, a 2-6-6 is a locomotive with a two-wheeled leading truck, six driving wheels, and a six-wheeled trailing truck. All the locomotives produced of this arrangement have been tank locomotives, and the vast majority in the United States. It was a popular arrangement for the larger Mason Bogies, as well as some of the largest suburban tank locomotives.

Equivalent classifications[]

Other equivalent classifications are:

  • UIC classification: 1C3 (also known as German classification and Italian classification)
  • French classification: 133
  • Turkish classification: 37
  • Swiss classification: 3/7
Cornish Riviera Limited, 6002 King George IV (CJ Allen, Steel Highway, 1928)

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